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How to connect to an API

You can connect to any API by defining their details inside the connect property. The target endpoint will need to be able to accept and respond using the formats described below.

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Request message

The outgoing Deep Chat request body is encapsulated in one of the following formats:

  • When sending text based messages only, the request body will have the following JSON type:
    {messages: MessageContent[]}

  • When sending messages that contain files, the request body is going to be serialized inside a FormData type where files are set inside an array property called "files" and each text message is stored inside a "message{index}" property with a corresponding index:
    {files: File[], message1: MessageContent, message2: MessageContent... }

Response message

Response from the target server needs to use the Response JSON type.


If you don't want / can't change the target server to handle the required object types, use the interceptor properties to augment the transferred objects or the handler function to control the request code.

Connection properties


Settings for the outgoing API requests. This object MUST have url or handler property defined.
additionalBodyProps is used to add additional key value properties to the outgoing message body.
credentials is used to configure whether the outgoing request should contain cookies. More info.
websocket is used to establish a websocket connection instead of sending REST requests.

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"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {"customName": "customHeaderValue"},
"additionalBodyProps": {"customBodyField": "customBodyValue"}


  • Type: {maxMessages?: number, totalMessagesMaxCharLength?: number}

Used to limit the content that is going to be included in the outgoing requests.
maxMessages is the maximum number of messages counting from the most recent one. If this is set to a number higher than 0 such as 1 - the outgoing request will only include the new user message, if it is 2 - it will also include the message before the latest one (from AI or the user) and so on... If the number is 0 or below - the request will include all messages in the chat. If it is undefined, the request will only include the input text/files.
totalMessagesMaxCharLength is the total maximum number of text characters sent in the request counting from the most recent message.
These limits do not include the introMessage.


"totalMessagesMaxCharLength": 20,
"maxMessages": 2


Types shared with other component properties:


Object containing response information from the target service. It has the same properties as MessageContent with additional optional error and overwrite properties:
text is the content for a text message.
files is an array that encapsulates details on the response files.
html is a string that defines the markup for custom elements. It must describe full elements.
error describes information about a server error. If the displayServiceErrorMessages property in errorMessages is set to true, the same message will be displayed in the chat's error bubble.
overwrite replaces last message from the same role or creates a new one if not found. Status bubble example.


Simple - {text: "Simple response"}
Mixed - {files: [{name: "file.txt"}], html: "<div>Custom Element</div>"}
Custom role - {role: "bob", text: "Message from bob"}
Error - {error: "Service Error"}
Overwrite - {text: "New text", overwrite: true}


  • Type: boolean | string | string[]

This is used to establish a websocket connection with your server. Enable it by defining the websocket property inside the connect object as a boolean true or as a string connection protocol (or an array of strings for multiple protocols).
It is important to note that exchanged messages must be Stringified JSONs where Deep Chat will send its messages using the Request message format and the server must send its messages using the Response format. Example messages:
Deep Chat message:
'{"messages":[{"role":"user","text":"Message from Deep Chat"}]}'
Server message:
'{"text":"Message from the server"}'


<deep-chat connect='{"url": "ws://", "websocket": true}'></deep-chat>

Check the websocket server template to help you get started.

Status Bubble Example

Messages from the server:
1: {text: "Downloading...", overwrite: true}
2: {text: "Loading...", overwrite: true}
3: {text: "Processing...", overwrite: true}
4: {text: "Ready...", overwrite: true}


  • Type: boolean | {simulation?: boolean | number | string}

Used to stream responses from the target service.
By setting true - the chat will stream incoming server-sent events from the server. See example server code.
The responses are expected to contain partial text, however you can use overwrite to overwrite each one.
You can alternatively use the simulation object property to facilitate a stream-like experience for any other connection type where the received content wil be gradually populated in the message bubble. You can control the millisecond interim of each word's appearance by assigning it a number with the default being 6. A string value is used to act like an end-phrase for individual websocket messages that act like a stream.

Stream Service Example

<deep-chat connect='{"stream": true}'></deep-chat>

Regular Service Example

<deep-chat connect='{"stream": {"simulation": 6}}'></deep-chat>

stream can be used in connect by itself when demo is defined.


This function gives developers full control for making server requests using their own code.
It is invoked when the user attempts to send a message and consists of two core arguments:
body is an object that contains the outgoing message details and uses the Request message type.
signals is a map of functions which are used to notify Deep Chat on the status of the request and its result. The available signal functions differ based on the type of connection you are establishing. See examples below.

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chatElementRef.connect = {
handler: (body, signals) => {
try {
fetch('custom-url').then((response) => {
signals.onResponse({text: 'Handler response'}); // displays the response text message
} catch (e) {
signals.onResponse({error: 'Error'}); // displays an error message

Error handling must be done within the handler function.


Object containing functions that are used to notify the Deep Chat component about the status of the current request. The stopClicked and newUserMessage functions are triggered by Deep Chat itself and contain listener properties which can be assigned with custom functions to listen for when they are called (see the examples above).