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Properties used to connect to OpenAI.


Service Types


  • Type: true | {
         system_prompt?: string,
         model?: string,
         max_tokens?: number,
         temperature?: number,
         top_p?: number,
  • Default: {system_prompt: "You are a helpful assistant.", model: "gpt-4o"}

Connect to OpenAI's chat API. You can set this property to true or configure it using an object:
system_prompt is used to set the "system" message for the conversation context.
model is the name of the model to be used by the API. Check /v1/chat/completions for more.
max_tokens the maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat. Check tokenizer for more info.
temperature is used for sampling; between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused.
top_p is an alternative to sampling with temperature, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered.
ChatFunctions encompasses properties used for function calling.

Basic Example

"openAI": {
"key": "placeholder key",
"chat": {"max_tokens": 2000, "system_prompt": "Assist me with anything you can"}

Vision Example

If max_tokens is not set, the component sets it to 300 as otherwise the API does not send a full response.

"openAI": {
"key": "placeholder key",
"chat": {"model": "gpt-4-vision-preview"}


Connect to your OpenAI assistant. When set to true or the assistant_id is not defined, Deep Chat will automatically create a new assistant when the user sends the first message.
assistant_id is the id of your assistant.
thread_id allows you to communicate in the context of an already existing conversation/thread.
load_thread_history toggles a preload of the previous conversation/thread messages on chat initialisation.
new_assistant defines the details for the newly created assistant.
files_tool_type defines the type of a tool to be used to process an uploaded file.
function_handler is the actual function used to handle the model's function response. Please navigate to Assistant Functions for more info.

"openAI": {
"key": "placeholder key",
"assistant": true

Returned MessageContent contains a hidden property called _sessionId which stores the thread id and allows conversation to continue on a new session.


  • Type: {
         model?: string,
         name?: string,
         description?: string,
         instructions?: string,
         tools?: {
             type?: "code_interpreter" | "file_search" | "function",
             function?: {name: string, description?: string, parameters?: object}
         tool_resources?: {
             code_interpreter?: {file_ids: string[]},
             file_search?: {
                 vector_store_ids: string[],
                 vector_stores?: {file_ids: string[]}

  • Default: {model: "gpt-4"}

When assistant_id is not used, this object is used to define the details of the new assistant that will be created by Deep Chat when the user sends a new message. This object follows the OpenAI Create Asssistant API.
model is the name of the model to be used by the API. Check the model overview for more.
name and description are used to describe the new assistant.
instructions direct the assistant's behaviour.
tool_resources defines the resources that the assistant has access to.
tools is an array of objects that describe the tools the assistant will have access to. When using the "function" tool, you will need to also define the function object.

"openAI": {
"key": "placeholder key",
"assistant": {
"new_assistant": {
"name": "Demo Assistant",
"tools": [{"type": "code_interpreter"}]

You can access the created assistant_id via chatElementRef._activeService.rawBody.assistant_id.


This is used to define the type of tool that will be used to process uploaded files. You can either define it as a string or a function that will return the tool type based on the uploaded files.
When nothing is defined and the user uploads an image, Deep Chat will automatically use "images" which will not use any tools and send the image directly to the vision model.
It is important to note that the "code_interpreter" and "file_search" tools must be toggled ON in the assistant that you are using before the files are uploaded. This can either be done in the OpenAI Assistant Playground or in the NewAssistant object.

"openAI": {
"key": "placeholder key",
"assistant": {
"assistant_id": "assistant with code interpreter",
"files_tool_type": "code_interpreter"

When uploading a file, the user must also submit a text message.


  • Type: "code_interpreter" | "file_search" | "images"

Type of tool used to process an uploaded file. Find out more information in "code_interpreter" and "file_search". "images" is technically not a tool but a way to indicate that image files will be sent directly to a vision model.


Connect to OpenAI's Images API. Set this property to true or use either of the Dall-e-2 or Dall-e-3 objects.

You can automatically call any of the following three APIs by combining different inputs:


"openAI": {
"key": "placeholder key",
"images": {"n": 1, "size": "1024x1024", "response_format": "url"}


  • Type: {
         model?: "dall-e-2",
         n?: number,
         size?: "256x256" | "512x512" | "1024x1024",
         response_format?: "url" | "b64_json",
         user?: number
  • Default: {model: "dall-e-2", size: "1024x1024"}

model is the name of the specific model to be used by the API.
n is the number of images to generate. Ranges between 1 and 10.
size is the pixel dimensions of the generated images.
response_format is the format in which the generated images are returned.
user is a unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse. More info can be found here.


  • Type: {
         model: "dall-e-3",
         size?: "1024x1024" | "1792x1024" | "1024x1792",
         response_format?: "url" | "b64_json",
         user?: number
  • Default: {size: "1024x1024"}

model is the name of the specific model to be used by the API.
size is the pixel dimensions of the generated images.
response_format is the format in which the generated images are returned.
user is a unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse. More info can be found here.


  • Type: true | {
         model?: string,
         voice?: string,
         speed?: number
  • Default: {model: "tts-1", voice: "alloy", speed: 1}

Connect to OpenAI's Text To Speech API. You can set this property to true or configure it using an object:
model defines the target model used by the API. Check /v1/audio/speech for more.
voice is the name of the voice used in the generated audio.
speed defines speed of the generated audio. It accepts a value between 0.25 and 4.0.


"openAI": {
"key": "placeholder key",
"textToSpeech": {"voice": "echo"}


  • Type: true | {
         model?: "whisper-1",
         temperature?: number,
         language?: string,
         type?: "transcription" | "translation"
  • Default: {model: "whisper-1", type: "transcription"}

Connect to OpenAI's Speech To Text API. You can set this property to true or configure it using an object:
model is the name of the model to use. "whisper-1" is currently the only one available.
temperature is used for sampling; between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused.
language is the language used the input audio. Supplying the input language in ISO-639-1 format will improve accuracy and latency. (Only used for transcription based API).
type is used to toggle between the transcription and the translation APIs. Note that translation can only attempt to translate audio into English.


"openAI": {
"key": "placeholder key",
"speechToText": {"model": "whisper-1", "temperature": 0.3, "language": "en", "type": "transcription"}


Examples for OpenAI's Function Calling features:

Chat Functions

Configure the chat to call your functions via the OpenAI Function calling API.
This is particularly useful if you want the model to analyze user's requests, check whether a function should be called, extract the relevant information from their text and return it all in a standardized response for you to act on.
tools defines the functions that the model can signal to call based on the user's text.
tool_choice controls which (if any) function should be called.
function_handler is the actual function that is called with the model's instructions.

// using JavaScript for a simplified example

chatElementRef.directConnection = {
openAI: {
chat: {
tools: [
type: 'function',
function: {
name: 'get_current_weather',
description: 'Get the current weather in a given location',
parameters: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
location: {
type: 'string',
description: 'The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA',
unit: {type: 'string', enum: ['celsius', 'fahrenheit']},
required: ['location'],
function_handler: (functionsDetails) => {
return => {
return {
response: getCurrentWeather(functionDetails.arguments),
key: 'placeholder-key',


  • Type: {
         type: "function" | "object",
         function: {name: string, description?: string, parameters: JSONSchema}

An array describing tools that the model may call.
name is the name of a function.
description is used by the model to understand what the function does and when it should be called.
parameters are arguments that the function accepts defined in a JSON Schema (see example above).
Checkout the following guide for more about function calling.


If your function accepts arguments - the type property should be set to "function", otherwise use the following object {"type": "object", "properties": {}}.


The actual function that the component will call if the model wants a response from tools functions.
functionsDetails contains information about what tool functions should be called.
This function should either return an array of JSONs containing a response property for each tool function (in the same order as in functionsDetails) which will feed it back into the model to finalise a response, or return a JSON containing text which will immediately display it in the chat and not send any details to the model.

Assistant Functions

The function_handler property can be assigned with the actual function that the component will call if the model wants a response from your preconfigured assistant's functions inside the OpneAI assistants platform.
functionsDetails contains information about what functions should be called.
This function should return an array of strings defining the response for each function described in functionDetails (in the same order) which will feed it back into the assistant to finalise a response.

Try it out live in the Deep Chat Playground.

// using JavaScript for a simplified example

chatElementRef.directConnection = {
openAI: {
assistant: {
assistant_id: 'placeholder-id',
function_handler: (functionsDetails) => {
return => this.getCurrentWeather(functionDetails.arguments));
key: 'placeholder-key',

Shared Types

Types used in Functions properties:


  • Type: {name: string, arguments: string}[]

Array of objects containing information about the functions that the model wants to call.
name is the name of the target function.
arguments is a stringified JSON containing properties based on the parameters defined for the function.